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Month: June 2005

Ribs fuck i love ribs

Posted in Food Related, and Uncategorized

This afternoon was one of the best afternoon’s i’ve had in many many months.

Went over to michael’s home and we drank westcoast coolers mixed with coke and we had some ribs dim sims chinese ribs and spring rolls.

Very very nice and we had a ball.

We invited someone else along but as per fucking usual they wern’t interested.

Why is it when you invite someone else along to an event and they never reply.

Fucken shits me how that happens.

Other then this, it was a great night and afternoon and I can’t wait to do it again.

Will chat to ya tomorrow if there’s any major braking news.


Posted in Technology Related, and Uncategorized

Ok it’s been a while since i’ve written here in the fucker.
Basically i’m so pissed cause a new version of skype came out yesterday and the fuck wits have removed the call menu so you now have to doubleclick on a person on your contact list to ccall them.
This is so fucked cause it’s hard enough now to use the mouse pointer and in my oppionion skype have gone backwards since they have done what they have done.

Absolutely fucked.

I’m enraged and i’m so pissed off i’m writing them a nasty letter tonight just to see what they will say.